Sharm Taxi

Get a taxi now in the fastest and safest way possible . Anytime, anywhere.


At Sharm Taxi we are committed to protect the information you entrusted to us.

We take all the counter measures to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and security of any personal Information about our users.

This policy explains what data type category is and why we collect such data on visiting our published services and how we use it.

Sharm Taxi is also entitled to share the personal data of the client to and from the third parties if it is necessary for performing the service properly, permitted by the legislation and/or serves the commercial purpose.

This Privacy Policy does not replace any other consents which client may have previously provided to us in respect of their Personal Data, and their consents here are additional to any rights which we may have at law to collect, use or disclose your Personal Data.

Please spare your time to read this Privacy Policy so that you know what we collect as personal data and understand the purposes for which we collect, use and disclose your Personal data.

Below are several definitions of terms used within this policy:

  • Customer Information - Customer Information refers to personally identifiable information about a consumer, customer, or former customer of this Institution.
  • Internet Protocol (IP) Address - an IP address is a unique address that devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a computer network.
  • Cookie - a Cookie is a very small text file sent by a web server and stored on your hard drive, your computer’s memory, or in your browser so that it can be read back later. Cookies are a basic way for a server to identify the computer you happen to be using at the time.
  • Service Provider - In order to provide a full range of online services, we may use various third-party providers. These third parties provide services such as: website hosting, bill payment, and account aggregation. Third party providers are referred to within this policy as "Service Providers"

How we collect your personal data?

Generally, we collect your personal data in the following ways:

  • When you register yourself to any of our published services, use request information or sign up for our products and services, you may be required to provide us with your Personal Data.
  • In doing so, you agree and consent to Sharm Taxi as well as authorized service providers and relevant third parties collecting, using, disclosing and/or sharing your Personal Data in accordance with this Data Protection Policy.
  • When you use services on Sharm Taxi to open an account.
  • When you request that we contact you, or when you respond to our request for additional Personal Data, our promotions, campaigns, and other initiatives.
  • When you submit your Personal Data to us for any other reason through Sharm Taxi

Why we collect your personal data?

We may use your information or combine it with other information to / for:

  • Provide you with better services, improve, and personalize your digital experience.
  • Respond to services or product requirements by the relevant authority and regulators
  • Respond to your inquiries and fulfil your requests.
  • Verify your identity, authenticate you to use our Digital Services and verify your location.
  • Allow you to apply for products or services (Organization offered services) process requests and evaluate your eligibility for such products or services.
  • Measure campaign results
  • Market research, project planning, troubleshooting problems, detecting and protecting against error, fraud or other criminal activity.
  • Use it in other ways as required or permitted by law or with your consent

What we collect as personal data?

Depending on which Services you use, we collect different kinds of Personal Information from/about you. Basically, we may collect 4 types of data from you through Organization platform/service

  • "Personal information" refers to information that directly or indirectly identifies a particular individual, such as information you provide on our KYC forms, campaign forms, account openings or similar online fields
  • Examples may include your name, postal address, unique device identifier, email address, telephone number, National ID number, Passport Number date of birth or account information.
  • “Personal Financial Management” includes the data which helps customers manage their money and understand their online/mobile behaviours such as monthly/daily spending amount, their financial purposes during goal account opening, total goal amount and the goal date.
  • "Anonymous information" means information that cannot reasonably be used to identify a particular individual.
  • Examples may include information about your Internet browser, IP address, information collected through tracking technologies, demographic information that you provide to us and aggregated or de-identified data.
  • "Location information" means information that may be collected by certain mobile applications that identifies your physical location.
  • This information may be collected from your mobile device's location-aware features when you request certain services that are dependent on your physical location.
  • Device Information
  • As described below, we collect information from and about the computers, phones, other web-connected devices -including IT- you use that integrate with our Products, and we combine this information across different devices you use. Information we obtain from these devices include:
    • Device attributes: information such as the operating system, hardware and software versions, and browser type
    • Identifiers: unique identifiers, device IDs, and other identifiers, such as the fitness app (or other identifiers unique to Organization Group Company Products associated with the same device or account)
    • Data from device settings: information you allow us to receive through device settings you turn on, such as access to your GPS location, camera or photos
    • Network and connections: information such as the name of your mobile operator or ISP, language, time zone, mobile phone number, IP address
    • Cookie data: data from cookies stored on your device, including cookie IDs and settings.

How we share your information?

We maintain strict security systems designed to prevent unauthorized access to your information by anyone, including our staff. Sharm Taxi takes every necessary precaution to protect the confidentiality of its client’s information, including the confidentiality of personal data.

We’re committed to respecting your privacy and safeguarding your personal data.

If we’re required by laws, Judicial requests or Law enforcement authorities requests in accordance with national laws to share your data with them or with other organizations, we always do so securely, and we don’t share more than requested information as per the national laws.

When we ask other companies to process data on our behalf, we’ll always make sure they follow similarly high standards to those followed at Sharm taxi

When we support government initiatives, we only share statistical anonymous and aggregate information

We are also entitled to transfer/ disclose the personal data of our client to and from the third parties if it is necessary for performing the service properly, permitted by the legislation and/or serves the commercial purpose of the Sharm Taxi.

Sharm Taxi e-payment Services use the latest technology standards to protect the security of your data and whenever we work with the third parties to provide support services, we will require them to observe our privacy standards and to allow us to audit them for compliance.

Request erasure of personal data

If you request us to delete your account for the service, except as mentioned below, your Personal Information will be permanently removed from the primary production servers and further access to your Sharm Taxi services will not be possible.

Sharm Taxi will also promptly disconnect any connection we had established to your account information and delete all account credentials.

If you want to revoke access or request us to delete your account.

However, portions of your personal information, in anonymous and aggregate forms, may remain on our production servers indefinitely.

We reserve the right to use this aggregate data to improve our service and for other lawful/regulatory purposes and in line with our data retention policies.

Your data may also remain on a backup server or media but will be removed within a reasonable legal period of time.

Sharm Taxi keeps these backups to ensure our continued ability to provide the service to you in the event of malfunction or damage to our primary production servers and to maintain the required standard and rules by relevant regulator and authorities

Also, we may need to store your data as required by state or local law or by our regulators or to defend ourselves in any lawsuit brought by yourself.